Who is the guardian angel by date of birth. Guardian angel by date of birth in Orthodoxy

Every person in life has moments when he is left alone with one of the problems that have fallen on him, and it seems that there is no one nearby who can help, and then longing and despair fill the soul, and life loses all meaning. However, people who believe in the existence of higher powers and God know that none of the people is ever left alone, because next to everyone there is a guardian angel - an incorporeal entity that helps a person, protects him and, if possible, guides him on the true path.

Belief in guardian angels is inherent in both Christians and Muslims, and adherents of Judaism and Hinduism, and people professing a number of other religions - we can say that the majority recognizes the presence of "personal angels" among people. Undoubtedly, the name and description of guardian angels in different religions differ, but adherents of all beliefs agree that the main purpose of a person’s invisible guardian is to protect him from evil and misfortune and help him make the right choice.

Guardian angels in our lives

Skeptics and atheists are sure that supernatural forces do not exist, and guardian angels are just a fantasy of believers, but in the life of almost every person there have been cases that are difficult to explain from the point of view of logic. All people are familiar with such a concept as intuition, a premonition that makes you make a certain choice, action or at the last moment abandon an already made decision, and as a result it turns out that this was the best option. Perhaps what we call intuition is the prompts of the guardian angel, who, in order to protect the client and help, gives him the knowledge of what.

In the life of most people, at least once there were accidents that turned out to be decisive - lost keys or documents, the search for which took time and the person did not make it to the plane that crashed; a stalled car engine, thanks to which it was possible to avoid a car accident; the appearance at the right time of close people or people who can provide the necessary assistance, etc. There is also an invisible connection between close people (most often between a mother and a child), thanks to which people can feel that a misfortune has happened to their relatives or they need immediate help. Believers believe that all this is the deeds of guardian angels protecting their wards and their loved ones from misfortunes.

When a person has guardian angels

Despite the opinion of some particularly fanatical followers of a particular religion, who believe that only they and their fellow believers are endowed with guardian angels, this is most likely not the case. As one great thinker said, "religions are different, but God is one for all," and perhaps he was right, because in all the key dogmas and rules for believers converge. Therefore, if guardian angels exist, then each person, regardless of his religion, nationality and origin, has his own guardian or several guardian angels.

Believers believe that a guardian angel is given to every person at the time of birth or in early infancy, but at the same time, the baby is guarded not only by his personal guardian, but also by the guardian angel of his mother. An angel follows a person all his life, helping him as much as possible and protecting him from misfortunes. To determine how many guardian angels a person has - one or more, none of the people can definitely, however, many psychics and religious people are sure that the number of guardians and their strength depends on what kind of life a person leads - according to one of the theories, good and there are more guardians, but evil and mundane natures can rarely count on more than one angel.

If you believe the priests, then the strength of the guardian angel and his ability to help his ward depends on the person's faith and his way of life. In many religions, there are prayers to the guardian angel that must be said in order to ask him for help or thank him for his support. It is believed that if you sincerely believe in the guardian and do not forget to constantly thank him for all the good things that happened, then he will be able to help his ward more. It should also be remembered that angels are creatures of light and goodness, therefore evil deeds, foul language, and negative emotions destroy a person’s connection with his guardian, and one who lives contrary to laws, morality and common sense risks being left without protection.

To answer the question of how many guardian angels a person has, both church ministers and people studying extrasensory perception and esotericism have been trying for more than a century, but opinions differ, and there is no single answer for quite obvious reasons to this day. However, there are three main theories designed to "count" a person's guardian angels:

1. Each person has only one guardian angel given to him from birth . Adherents of this theory believe that it is not the number of entities that protect a person that is important, but their strength, therefore, despite the fact that everyone has one guardian, some people have strong angels, and some do not hear the prompts of their guardians at all. The strength of the guardian angel and his ability to help directly depends on the person’s faith, his thoughts, intentions and actions, therefore, the more good a person does and the brighter his thoughts are, the stronger his angel will become.

2. How many guardian angels a person has depends on his purpose on earth. . This theory is based on the fact that every person on earth has his own destiny, which he must fulfill, and guardian angels are helpers on this path. Therefore, the more important the destiny of this or that person for the whole world as a whole, the more guardians are given to him. Adherents of this theory believe that all people, depending on the path destined for them, can have from 1 to several dozen guardian angels.

3. Guardian angels themselves choose their clients, and in the course of life a person can either find several angels or lose guardians. Adherents of this theory are sure that angels protect and protect good people, and do not want to deal; therefore, how many guardian angels a person has depends only on his lifestyle, and in order to acquire invisible protectors, you need to do good.

A heavenly patron or guardian angel is given to a person at baptism. He is constantly next to a person, protects and protects him from any negativity. As a rule, the patron saint of a person is the saint, whose name he is named. The guardian angel is determined by date of birth.

Who are Guardian Angels?

Caring for a person, his protection from the attacks of dark forces and evil is one of the manifestations of the presence of the Guardian Angel. He is the executor of the will of God, and protect the mortal. The word "angel" is translated from Greek as "messenger", in other words, the bearer of the good news.

A guardian angel accompanies every person throughout the life. As a rule, he is depicted with wings, with which he protects, covering his ward. In fact, this is a spirit, a kind entity with feelings and reason, but devoid of a material body.

Orthodox guardian angels

Since ancient times, man has known that there are guardian spirits. Our ancestors were sure that disembodied patrons ensure that the ward receives everything that the Almighty has prepared for him. The term was formed as a result of the merger of the two words "Judgment" and "God", from which it follows that the heavenly patrons fulfill the will of the Almighty in relation to each person.

With the advent of Christianity in Russia, the concept of angels has changed. The servants of the Old Testament claim that an innumerable angelic army exists in heaven. Mediation between the Lord and man is not their only mission. Their direct purpose is the fight against the devil and demons.

Divine messengers have a strict hierarchy, headed by the Archangel Michael:

  • Cherubim, seraphim, thrones - highest rank.
  • Forces, domination, power - average rank.
  • Archangels, beginnings, angels - lowest rank.

The value of a guardian angel in human life

Even non-believers face phenomena that cannot be explained. This can be called luck, conduct, intuition, but one thing is obvious - someone is trying to warn us, prompt and direct us on the right path. Orthodox believers are sure that this is the help of the Guardian Angel, therefore it is of great importance in the life of every person.

The presence of a heavenly patron manifests itself in different ways. They can act through strangers or loved ones who have passed away. Staying on the verge with the subsequent salvation of a person is the direct intervention of the Guardian Angel. Each person can remember cases when, for unknown reasons, they had to return home, and there was not turned off the gas under the pan or other situations.

Abilities of Guardian Angels

People believe that the Guardian Angel protects from negative emotions, thoughts, rash actions, helps to find a way out of a difficult situation. To help the ward, the patron can take on any physical form for a limited time.

The presence in a person's life of an invisible protector and his influence on life is expressed in different ways:

  • As a rule, the Angels show their guardianship to the ward through the people who surround him.. So, a person in dire need can be helped by complete strangers or close people - this is the concern of the heavenly patron.
  • Messengers of God can appear not only in the form of people, but also animals. History knows many cases when pets saved their owners.
  • A guardian angel can intervene if a person is on the verge of death. Probably, everyone can remember situations in life when certain circumstances saved from death. The help of a Guardian Angel can manifest itself even in such trifles as a reminder of the gas or iron not being turned off.
  • The patron acts not only through physical incarnation. In moments of loneliness, despondency, longing, the problem suddenly resolves itself, circumstances change for the better and life gets better.
  • An angelic essence to be thanked, when an object that has been searched for a long time is found in a conspicuous place.

The guardian angel is a kind of intercessor for his ward before the Lord. One must try to live in such a way as not to upset either him or God with one's actions.

Guardian angels by date of birth

The name of the Guardian Angel corresponds to a certain date according to the calendar, it also has its own image, which every person born on this day should have.

December 22 - January 20. Powerful patrons of people born this month, saints Sylvester and Seraphim of Sarov. The patroness in urgent matters is the image of the Mother of God "Sovereign". They turn to her with a prayer request to their patrons, whose name you bear, and the request will be heard. Before the image, you can ask to save the marriage, increase love and understanding between spouses, or find true love if you are still single.

January 21 - February 20. Heavenly patrons for those born this month are Cyril and Athanasius. God's saints will constantly protect and will certainly help in difficult times. They recommend praying for protection from people who wish you harm and gaining health in front of the icons of the Mother of God “Vladimirskaya” and “Irresistible Bush”.

February 21 - March 20. For help and advice in spiritual turmoil and problems, you can turn to Saints Milentius and Alexei of Antioch. The intercessor in everyday life is the image of the Iberian Mother of God.

March 21 -20 April. Protected by Saints Innocent and Sophrony of Irkutsk. They are addressed with a prayer for granting health to themselves and their relatives. Prayers before the Hodegetria icon will help heal illnesses and ailments. The image is miraculous and endowed with Higher powers.

April 21 -May 20. Saints Tamara and Stefan are the protectors of those born this month. In difficult times, they pray before the icon of the "Guest of Sinners". A prayer in front of the image will cleanse the soul of negativity, indicate the right path to the truth and put thoughts in order.

May 21st -21st of June. Saints Constantine and Alexei are the patrons of those born this month. These saints of God are strong intercessors, able to drive away any troubles. Prayers are recommended to be offered before the image of "Vladimirskaya", which protects and guides on the true path everyone who needs God's blessing and support.

June, 22 -22 July. The patrons of those born these days are St. Cyril and the image of the Kazan Mother of God. Prayers in front of the icon will relieve you of despondency and quench sorrows, and the guardian angel will protect you from enemies and avert adversity on the way to a prosperous life.

July 23 -August 23. Those born this month are under the auspices of Nicholas the Wonderworker and Elijah the Prophet. They help to believe in themselves and survive the difficulties. The icon "Protection of the Holy Mother of God" protects these people. A prayer in front of her gives protection and help to everyone, quenching sorrows and protecting from troubles.

24 August -23 September. The heavenly protectors of those born during this period are Alexander, Paul and John. The image before which you need to pray is “Passionate”. She is approached with requests for protection and patronage.

September 24 -October 23. Constantly protects people born this month, St. Sergius of Radonezh. The image before which prayers are offered is “Pochaevskaya”. The image is addressed with a request to find true faith, protect from ill-wishers, find peace and confidence in the decision made.

October 24 -November 22. Protects and patronizes people born at this time, St. Paul. It will help to find harmony with the outside world and with oneself, to overcome the evil within oneself. Prayers in front of the icon of the Quick Hearer will help heal mental and bodily ailments, restore peace and tranquility in the family, and set the right path.

November 23 -21 December. Saint Barbara and Nicholas the Wonderworker are the patrons of these people. It is recommended to pray in front of the "Sign" icon. It will help you survive deep emotional wounds and find true friends.

What guardian angels exist?

Each person has incorporeal patrons, regardless of character, behavior and sinfulness. The existence of disembodied beings is recognized by all religions of the world, and even unbelievers. Guardian angels are merciful, intelligent, kind spirits, endowed with feelings, but devoid of a physical shell. They differ depending on the element, which is determined by the date of birth:

Fire (0) - angels with fiery wings. They always win, reborn again and again like a phoenix. Nothing is impossible for them. People under their protection are called minions of fate.

Holy (1) – angels with a beautiful face and a light halo. Invisible wings cover the whole world. The holiness of the angel will not leave the ward in trouble. Often they go to people with weak energy who need constant protection from higher powers. They immediately come to the aid of people who are suffering. People who are guarded by the angels of this element are distinguished by good nature.

Light (2) - angelic entities with huge snow-white wings, surrounded by a halo of light. They constantly send signs to their wards, appearing in dreams and sending signs.

Air (3) - creatures of wind and ether, have two huge wings of indefinite contours. It manifests itself with the help of sounds, rustles. They do everything possible to protect the wards from everything bad.

Wisdom (4) – they have incredible intuition and wisdom, which they pass on to the people they patronize. They will always prompt the right way out or a wise decision to resolve a difficult situation. People, under the protection of the angel of this element, as a rule, reach great heights, quickly make a career. They have intelligence and intelligence, are able to analyze and control the situation.

Metal (5)- Defenders have powerful, cold wings. They immediately rush to the rescue if they see the tears of the wards. As a rule, the angels of this element take care of courageous, strong-willed people who have great willpower. Often they go to the military. The owners of such patrons live a very long time.

Rainbow (6) – angels with dazzling colorful wings. Disperse sadness and boredom by playing the flute or violin. Gives inspiration, happiness, helps to cope with depression and melancholy. People under their patronage are changeable, have bright creative abilities.

Energy (7) – angelic entities can change their shape and color. Through prophetic dreams they warn of possible troubles. So that the connection with him is not lost, you need to constantly pray and give thanks for the help.

Human (8) – angels without wings, outwardly similar to people. These are the souls of deceased loved ones who, after death, continue to take care of dear people. Accompany the ward constantly, without leaving even for a moment unattended.

Heat (9) – angels with fluffy, soft and warm wings, enveloping which give a feeling of harmony and care. To be happy with the ward, they can take the form of pets or people.

In Orthodoxy, it is customary to offer prayers to the Guardian Angel in the morning and before going to bed, regardless of whether you have requests for him or not. They read it in front of the icons of the Lord, the Virgin, the Guardian Angel or saints. In the morning, having prayed, you can ask for a good day, and in the evening - thank you. The strength of the patron directly depends on the faith of the ward.

Every person has a guardian angel. Our invisible helpers provide support and protect against all sorts of troubles. But, alas, not everyone feels the help of a heavenly patron. If you feel that you are unlucky, nothing works out in your personal life, and even problems often arise with finances, then you probably just lost touch with your guardian angel.

So who is he, our guardian angel? How to recognize him? According to most psychics, the guardian angel is our intuition, inner voice. Also, heavenly protectors can manifest themselves through clues, signs and warnings. In order to establish a connection with your angel and begin to understand him better, you need to know more about him. For this, numerological calculations are used.

You can find out the age of your guardian angel by adding the number 4 to your birth number. For example, if you were born on the 15th, then your guardian angel is 19 years old (15 + 4 = 19). The age of the angel does not change.

The gender and character of the angel is determined by adding all the numbers in the date of birth. For example, you were born on 06/26/1978. We add up all the numbers and bring the resulting number by addition to a single digit: 2+6+0+6+1+9+7+8=39=3+9=12=1+2=3. The number 3 is the symbol of the guardian angel for the date of birth given in the example. If the number is even, your protector is male, if odd, then female.

After you have calculated the number of your angel, you can proceed to its value.

1 - Your angel is holy. He is one of the most reliable and kind heavenly protectors. This angel, without any requests and prayers, will come to the rescue and avert trouble. As a rule, such angels are given to those who have a very weak energy field. Their help can manifest itself in any way. These are the most active defenders.

2 - Angel of light. These heavenly patrons in ancient drawings were always depicted with large white wings. Often these angels kiss their "wards" at birth. This kiss appears as freckles or unusual facial moles. Angels of light communicate with people through dreams and through mirrors. So if this is your angel, you should take your dreams more seriously. In addition, you are very lucky: this angel is always there.

3 - Angel of air. These angels are almost invisible, but they can be recognized by unusual sounds and rustling noises. The owners of such an angel often get into trouble and difficult situations, so it is very important for them to keep in touch with their protector.

4 - Angel of wisdom. This celestial creature endows the ward with prudence, flexible intellect and does everything possible so that he considers his every decision. The Angel of Wisdom bestows luck and good luck in studies and careers. He has some power over the thoughts of the one whom he takes care of, and constantly tells you how to do the right thing.

5 - Angel of metal. These are very strong and brave defenders. Most often they come to a person at the moment when he cries. Tears feed the energy of an angel, from this he becomes stronger and can move mountains for the sake of the one he helps. As a rule, the angel of metal is found in people who are strong and confident. Also, this angel bestows long life.

6 - Rainbow Angel. These heavenly beings endow their wards with talents and original thinking. They are able to cheer up even in moments of sadness and longing. You can find contact with such an angel through creativity.

7 - Angel of energy. They are very changeable. To enlist their support, you constantly need to thank them and even praise them, then they will be more supportive. Most often, such angels suggest the right decision and warn of danger in dreams. But you need to be careful with them: the angels of energy are very touchy, they can be hurt by any rude word.

8 - The embodiment of loved ones who have passed away. These are the most merciful angels. They will always come to the rescue, but they must always be remembered.

9 - Angels of warmth. To communicate with their ward, these creatures can take the form of animals or deceased loved ones. They give a person inner harmony and give a good mood.

Our angels, whatever they are, always try to come to the rescue. In order to recognize the signs of heavenly helpers, you need to listen to your intuition more often, attach importance to dreams and give thanks for all the good and incredible things that happen in life. If this information was useful to you, click on and

22.11.2013 12:23

The guardian angel can communicate with us in various ways, including through the numbers on the watch. Recognize...

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Finding out who your Guardian Angel is by date of birth in Orthodoxy is quite simple. You can determine the nature, gender and age of your patron, as well as find out his name and establish contact with the divine essence - this is useful to every person.

Almost everyone knows who is in Orthodoxy. However, not everyone understands the importance of knowing his name, character, and other details about his heavenly patron. What gives an understanding of the nature of your patron? The features of his character will help you navigate if you want to make contact with your angel in order to receive his help and be able to recognize the prompts of angels.

So, how to find out what is your Guardian Angel by date of birth in Orthodoxy?

This will require only the number of your birth. Thus, you can calculate the character of the Guardian Angel of any person. What does it give? There is a lot of information about an enemy or a friend that you cannot find out in other ways. The second number of the date of birth will tell about the temper of your patron. That is, if you were born on the nineteenth day of the month, the number corresponding to the character of the Angel is 9, and if on the second day - 2.
Read below for the meanings of all ten possible options.
0 - you got a keeper with a fiery disposition. He is almost omnipotent and can be reborn like a phoenix. This Guardian Angel can help in any situation - from minor difficulties to complex and dangerous situations. If it is he who protects you, you are very lucky.

1 - holy angel. Among all the rest, he is considered the most active defender who will never leave his ward in trouble. However, not everything is so rosy - such angels always go to people with a particularly weak energy field, who really need powerful protection from evil.

2 - your angel is bright. In the images, these can be seen with large white wings - they are larger than those of other representatives of the heavenly defenders of mankind. They are always close to those they protect. At birth, your angel kissed you. Kisses of angels, as a rule, take the form of moles and freckles - especially if the value of the mole is positive according to ancient signs. A bright angel always keeps in touch with his ward with the help of angelic numerology, dreams and even reflections in mirrors. Pay more attention to unusual things in your environment, and you may find traces of the presence of the Guardian Angel.

3 - air angel. He likes to express himself with the help of rustles and other unusual sounds. There is no need to be afraid of them, this is how the Guardian Angel shows his presence and support. Often he shows frivolity and goes away for a long time on his own business, leaving the ward alone. However, the latter can always call on an angel, and also turn to him with the help of a prayer - the air Guardian Angel will hear and rush to help.

4 - you have been granted the protection of a wise Guardian Angel. His help lies in sending the right thoughts and conclusions from what is happening. Wards of the angel-sage are quickly moving up the career ladder - they know what needs to be done for this. Such people are prudent, intelligent and able to carefully think through the situation and its consequences. It is better to listen to their advice if you want things to be the way you need.

5 - metal angel. Of course, it does not look like an iron statue. The angel of metal protects only courageous, determined people with a strong character. He appreciates when his ward shows willpower. This angel helps both physically and spiritually, if you make contact with him, the Guardian Angel will protect you from any trouble.
6 - rainbow angel. Such patrons go to people with creative inclinations. Representatives of creative professions are often prone to sudden mood swings - from inspiration to despondency. The Rainbow Guardian Angel helps to disperse longing and get rid of depression, often he inspires his ward to new creative successes.

7 - energetic angel. He is active and wants to be in constant interaction with his ward. However, this Guardian Angel is distinguished by changeability and resentment. In order not to lose his help, constantly thank the angel for all the good things that happen to you. You can get in touch with him the same way.
8 - the spirit of a deceased relative or close friend acts as your Guardian Angel. After his death, he decided to become your patron. Such an angel is well acquainted with the character of his ward, he is merciful and always ready to help. To establish contact with him, you should honor the memory of a relative or friend who decided to become your Guardian Angel, thank him for his help and read prayers addressed to him.

9 - your angel has a warm character. He is always kind to his charges and likes to inspire them with optimistic thoughts. The life of a person under the patronage of such an angel is full of harmony and happiness.

Are there icons of the Guardian Angel by the name of a person

The icon of the Guardian Angel by the name of a person is an obvious myth. There is a Guardian Angel, and there is a saint, in whose honor you were given a name at baptism. Both of them are your patrons, but they are completely different personalities. This fact proves, among others, the existence of separate prayers to the Guardian Angel and the saint to whom you wish to turn. They should pray in the morning - first to the angel, and then to the saint.
Guardian Angels named after a person is a myth. Only a saint wears the same with you, and that is given in his honor and known to you since baptism. You can turn with the help of prayer to any of the saints - not only the one in whose honor you were given a name at baptism will hear you. There are many recommendations regarding the correspondence of saints and situations in which it is customary to ask for their help.
For example, they pray to the Holy Matrona to get rid of infertility. There is only one angel, but there are exceptions, which can be read below.
Guardian Angel in Orthodoxy - find out age and gender
Angels also have an age, but it never changes. In addition, you can find out its gender.

If you are wondering who protects you from life's adversities, sum up the numbers of the day and month of your birth. For example, for a person born on August 8, the calculations will be as follows: 0 + 8 + 0 + 8 \u003d 16 In our example, the angel is only 16 years old, but how many centuries in a row he is sixteen is unknown. However, he looks exactly the same age.
In order to find out the gender, you need to sum up all the numbers of the date of birth. For example, in our example with the date 08/08/1996, the calculations will be as follows: loading ... 0+8+0+8+1+9+9+6 = 41 Now we bring the number to a single-digit form: 4+1 = 5 5 is an odd number, so the angel is female. If the number were even, the gender of the angel would be male.
So, in our example, it turned out that the angel is a sixteen-year-old girl.

How to find out the name of your angel - effective ways

If you know the name of your angel, it will be much easier for you to make contact with him. People who are in constant interaction with their heavenly patron are always protected. It is almost impossible to damage them or harm them in any other way. They are lucky even in the most difficult situations.
Next, methods will be described that are a kind of acquaintance with the Guardian Angel. Looking ahead, keep in mind that the name can be very unusual. Do not take it for nonsense, disbelief can offend an entity close to God. Try to concentrate better and pronounce the name several times - you may find a secret meaning in it.

Sometimes angels do not want to write letters to their familiar wards and use unfamiliar symbols and signs. Do not hesitate, they add up to what you were looking for, but the angelic message will have to be deciphered. So, how to find out the name of your angel?
The first way is mechanical writing. To do this, you need to be able to enter a trance. Put a pen and paper in front of you, induce a special state of consciousness, mentally call your keeper and ask for his name. If you get it right, the angel will write his name in your hand. It can help to find out who your Guardian Angel is by name in Orthodoxy, meditation.

It is not at all necessary for him to answer during it, he may even dream, and even after a few days. If there is no answer from the angel, most likely you did not concentrate enough, and the angel was offended by the abundance of extraneous thoughts in your head during such an important acquaintance.

Another way is sleep. If you have learned to be conscious of dreams, this will be a plus. You can call on your protector while traveling through the depths of your subconscious and ask for his name. If this is not available to you, ask the question mentally before falling asleep. Most likely, the angel will answer it by dreaming about you.

The face of an angel - can you see it

In iconography, the Guardian Angel is usually depicted as a young youth with white wings, a drawn sword and a cross. His images appeared only in the 16th century, while Byzantine iconography, samples of which date back to the 11th century, does not contain them at all. It is believed that the face of an angel is hidden from people. You can see him only after death - the Guardian Angel appears to the dying to become the guide of his soul to the afterlife.

A logical conclusion follows from this - no one has seen the Guardian Angels. Even if we assume that the icon painter died and resurrected after that, he could only capture his patron, because it is known that every person has his own angel, or even more than one. But, the face of the keeper can be tried in a dream.

Again, if you are able to control dreams, you can try to call the angel, ask for a name and try to make contact. It is known from the lives of the saints that sometimes angels show their faces to people, but this is very rare. Usually they prefer to help their wards, remaining invisible.

How many angels does a person have according to Orthodoxy

Many people are concerned about the question of how many angels a person has according to Orthodoxy. Most people believe that there can be only one Guardian Angel, but this is not so. The number of patrons depends on the level of spirituality of a person. In fact, the average person can have from one to nine angels.
The largest number of them patronized St. Nicholas - he had 27 guardians. The more patrons a person has, the more successful and happy he is. It is easy for him to solve problems and achieve goals. Losers are called people who have been abandoned by their angels.

They can return, and for this you need to live according to your conscience, do good and not expect gratitude for this. You can also read a prayer-appeal to the Guardian Angel in order to attract the attention of divine forces.
With the help of magic, you can increase the number of guardians. As a rule, we are talking about black magic. However, the defenders called with its help will refer to dark angels, the spirits of dead people, demons and other evil spirits.

The other world was interested in different times of history. People who believe in God are sure that each person has his own guardian angel, who is an intercessor before the Higher powers. It closes from various problems, and also helps to cope with various trials throughout life. Interest in how to find out which guardian angel a person has has always existed. It is important to note that even people who do not go to have invisible defenders. Each person has the opportunity to find out information about his custodian and even his name.

How to recognize your guardian angel by date of birth?

To establish contact with your invisible protector, you need to find out more information about him. First, we determine the age of the angel, for which you just need to add 4 to the number of your birth. For example, if a person was born on the 8th, then he has a 12-year-old protector. It is worth noting that the angel does not age.

Now let's figure out how to find out the gender and character of a person's guardian angel. To do this, you just need to add up all the numbers of your date of birth. For example, if a person was born on 11/08/1989, then it turns out 8+1+1+1+9+8+9=37=3+7=10=1+0=1. As a result, we got the number of the angel - 1. Since the unit is odd, then the angel is female, and if the value is even, then male. It remains only to find out the characteristics of your defender.

How to find out what kind of guardian angel you have - interpretation of meanings:

1 - holy angel. Such a defender is the most active and reliable, who even without prayer comes to the rescue.

2 - angel of light. Such assistants have large white wings and they kiss their wards at birth, which manifests itself in the form of freckles or various birthmarks. You need to communicate with such angels through dreams or mirrors.

3 - angel of air. Invisible protectors manifest themselves in the form of unusual sounds that are similar to the rustling of leaves. To receive help, you must constantly communicate with the angel.

4 - the angel of wisdom. The defender teaches his ward to be prudent, and also gives him good luck. An angel can control a person, through which he gives hints.

5 - angel of metal. Confident people have such a strong protector. He comes to the rescue when his ward cries. It gives a person a long life.

6 - rainbow angel. The keeper gives people different talents, and also cheers up at any time. Contact is established during creative work.

7 - angel of energy. Such defenders should always be thanked for their help and praised. Such angels give hints in dreams.

8 - in this case, the deceased relative or close person is the defender. If you remember them, the angels will always help.

9 - angels of warmth. Such protectors are often reincarnated as animals. They give their wards a sense of inner harmony.

How to find out the name of your angel?

Each guardian has his own name, which may be similar to a human one, but this is not a necessary condition at all. The angel can be named "World" or "Sun" Sit in a comfortable position and ask the angel to say his name. After that, try to relax as much as possible, getting rid of all thoughts, and the answer will come intuitively, that is, the first word that comes to mind and will be the correct answer. If you couldn’t make out anything, then ask the angel to give a clearer clue.

How many guardian angels does a person have?

Every person has a protector, but those who lead a righteous life have more of them. At the same time, it is worth noting that angels can leave people. The maximum number of guardian angels is 9. There is some statistics according to which 15% of people on Earth have one angel. Most people, namely 65%, have three protectors. Only 10% of people can count on the help of two or four angels. The same number of people have five or more assistants.