Runny nose
Why does a child have a stuffy nose at night and doesn’t breathe well, what to do?
This appears due to nasal congestion. This is especially common in children. When a child sleeps, he...
Treatment of runny nose in children quickly and effectively 1
Autumn is, in its own way, a wonderful time. Everywhere there is a variety of yellow, red and orange colors, fallen...
The eyes of an adult fester and turn sour
Parents are very sensitive to the health of young children. And this is understandable: the baby still does not know how to complain on his own...
Protargol drug - composition and release form, indications and how to use for children or adults Protargol name
One of the most famous remedies in the treatment of various diseases is Protargol nasal drops. This drug...
Children's birthday menu: recipes
It's a stretch to call a child's first birthday a children's holiday - most often it's just...
Table 1 for a child.  Meat and poultry dishes
Diet No. 1 and its varieties Table No. 1 is prescribed during the patient’s recovery or with unexpressed...
IRS19 - instructions for use
IRS 19 increases specific and nonspecific immunity. When spraying IRS 19, a finely dispersed...
What vaccinations do teenagers need?
Children's vaccinations... How much controversy they cause among parents! How many fears about how the baby will endure...
A cold in a child: invisible first signs, treatment (what to do), causes
Most women consider themselves specialists in three areas: medicine, cooking and raising children, so...
How to avoid mistakes and complications
Children suffer from colds up to five times a year, and this is considered somewhat normal. But in the case of...
Stomatitis in a child: signs, causes and treatment
– a collective term that combines numerous types of inflammatory lesions of the mucous membrane...
Benefits paid to parents for caring for a disabled child
Monthly allowance for a disabled child to a non-working parent, guardian or other person. How much do they pay...
Benefits for parents of a disabled child
Families with disabled children are one of the most vulnerable groups of the population. That is why material...
Calendar of preventive vaccinations for children: timing and features of vaccination What vaccination is given to an 11-year-old child
Vaccination is a mass prevention of infectious diseases. A person receives his first vaccinations immediately...
Cerebral palsy - causes, symptoms and treatment Diagnosis g 80
Cerebral palsy is a complex of diseases in which a child's...
fitness club Youth Krylatskoe