Cough treatment
Use of codelac drugs for cough
With the beginning of autumn, the number of colds increases sharply. If autumn is also cold, windy and rainy,...
Codelac For Dry Cough (Causes and Treatment)
Cough is a debilitating symptom, for the treatment of which the Codelac line of drugs is recommended. Instructions for...
The most effective remedies for treating dry and wet cough in children under one year of age Treatment of cough in infants 8 months
Children, unfortunately, get sick quite often, including in infancy. Naturally, parents are so...
Gerbion syrups for dry and wet coughs for children and adults: instructions for use, composition
Coughing is an unconditioned reflex, a protective reaction of the body from irritating agents found in...
Causes, diagnosis, treatment
The term “ONR”, proposed by R. E. Levina and the staff of the Research Institute of Defectology, is defined as follows:...
Blood in the stool of a child - causes, tests, treatment Red blood in the stool of a child
Painful defecation with blood in some cases can indicate the development of serious diseases that require...
Moles (nevi) – properties, types, causes of appearance, removal, photos
Nevus of the sebaceous glands, or Jadassohn's nevus, is a benign nodular tumor on the head...
A child has a stomach ache: what can you give?
Every parent has encountered a problem when their child began to have a stomach ache, after which the baby...
Hair or stubble on the back of a newborn: causes of appearance and methods of removal Causes of hair growing on the legs of a child
First of all, of course, this question interests mothers of girls. First, let's understand the terms. There are 3...
Does calcium help teeth Immaturity of the nervous system
Taking calcium supplements is often recommended by doctors in hopes of preventing osteoporosis....
Why the sides of the tongue may hurt, how to treat tingling: causes of discomfort and remedies for discomfort in the mouth
If a child has a sore tongue, this may be a sign of various diseases in the body. When appearing...
A cold in a child: invisible first signs, treatment (what to do), causes
Most women consider themselves specialists in three areas: medicine, cooking and raising children, so...
How to avoid mistakes and complications
Children suffer from colds up to five times a year, and this is considered somewhat normal. But in the case of...
Stomatitis in a child: signs, causes and treatment
– a collective term that combines numerous types of inflammatory lesions of the mucous membrane...
A cold in a child: invisible first signs, treatment (what to do), causes
Colds are one of the most common diseases. Many kids get sick several times a year, often...